Dorrit’s Prince Charming

12 04 2013


The first season of The Carrie Diarie’s saw Dorrit make a transition from the rebellious little sister into a mature teenager with feelings, desires, and a love interest of her own.

Ultimately, the joke’s on Carrie when the season ends and Carrie is left single and still a virgin and Dorrit actually loses her virgin and gets herself a boyfriend of her own. Dorrit’s entire demeanor as well as her style takes a drastic change after she meets Miller, the character her steals her heart. She ditches the black eye-liner and trades it in for books about sex, girly clothes, and more subtle feminine make-up.

The decision of the writer’s to have Dorrit be the one to lose her virginity over Carrie was surprisingly actually part of the plan all along.  In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Amy B. Harris reveals her reasons for having Dorrit be the one to lose it first:

“THR: Who would have thought that it would be the younger Bradshaw, Dorrit (Stefania Owen), losing her virginity by the of the season.

Harris: I know! That was something I knew [would happen] from the very beginning. I always knew when I pitched the first season: Carrie will end the first season a virgin and Dorrit will not. [Laughs] Right after we shot the pilot, I knew. Even before we shot the pilot, I knew Carrie would be a virgin. I don’t think I thought as hard about where Dorrit would be until after we shot the pilot. We didn’t know who or how exactly she would lose it but I loved that the more f—ed up sister at the end of the day is actually a lot less dysfunctional about relationships. I loved her simplicity: “He loves me, I love him.” And she didn’t overthink it. That’s who Dorrit is. [Carrie and Dorrit] are chasing life in very different ways and it felt like a logical conclusion, that Carrie would overthink herself right out of a relationship and Dorrit has enough self-esteem to want it to be with someone who cared about her. She went for it. “



3 responses

15 04 2013
Daniel Sullivan

I’m not familiar with The Carrie Diaries, but I found the interview with the writer interesting. Before this class, I was always curious if show writers had everything in the season planned out before they started airing the episodes or if they made up each episode as they went. Now I realize that the writers must have a general overview of the entire season before they start airing episodes.

16 04 2013

I’ve never seen the show before, but I like the concept of surprising viewers with the younger character being the one who actually ends up losing her virginity. Also, Idk how much the entire show, as opposed to just this season, has to do with Carrie losing her virginity, but if its an important reoccurring concern then where would the show be with it solved!?

16 04 2013

Interesting interview. With down-to-earth characters like these, I can’t help but wonder how much of the show is based on the personal experience of the writer (or maybe the writer’s friends).

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